Tips for Keeping Your Skin from Getting Sun Damage

Sunscreen is the best way to protect your skin from the often harmful effects of excessive heat. Applying it each day can be a very good idea. You could apply one ounce of sunscreen at least half an hour before going outside, for best results.

No matter how much sunscreen you may be using, you should definitely avoid exposing yourselves to harmful UV rays between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. The reason for this is that, in the summer, the sun is the most intense during this part of the day. In case you are sweating or have been swimming, you should also reapply sunscreen. Ideally, you should reapply sunscreen every two hours.

Babies which are younger than 6 months should be kept protected under the shade. Even adults should wear clothes with long sleeves, because the risk of sunburn can be dangerous in the long run. Wearing sun glasses also comes a long way, especially if you are using the highly protective type.

dermatologist Castle Rock CO

Sunscreen’s protective factor is also known as SPF. It is this protective factor that tells you about the product’s efficiency against UVB, or the burning effect of the sun. Also, there are many types of sunscreen which can absorb the ultraviolet rays, also known as UVA. The bigger the SPF is, the better the protection that the sunscreen can offer you. You should use sunscreen with a SPF higher than 30. At the same time, in case you have had cancer or are in the risk category, it is very much recommended that you use products with a SPF of 45 or even higher.

In case the only reason for using sunscreen is to avoid sunburn, you may use a product with a lower SPF. However, you need to know that your skin can get affected in case you are exposing yourselves to the sun rays on a constant basis.

Sunscreen can be used by most people, including men, women, children, people with a lighter or darker skin, etc. Generally, it is recommended to those who get to spend a lot of time outside during the hot summertime.

Sunscreen is safe for children, and in case of regular use, it can help prevent skin cancer later in their lives. If you have any doubt, you should ask for advice from the part of your dermatologist.

In case you are on medication, you need to know whether that particular type of medication does not make you even more vulnerable to the sun. Such medication may include several types of antibiotics, antifungals, anti-inflammatory, chemotherapies or medications which are recommended for treating blood pressure. Always speak to a recommended dermatologist Castle Rock CO provider for the best skin care practices.

Sunburn is the most common type of damage caused by the sun. Sunburn affects your blood vessels and cells. Despite the fact that sunburn skin tends to look thicker, it actually is much weaker and more likely to get bruised.

Nevertheless, the most dangerous threat of sun exposure is cancer.  Skin cancer could be avoided by reducing the amount of potentially harmful sun exposure.